
Making Connections: See What’s Possible with the People You Know and the People You’ll Meet

She earned an Emmy Nomination I never knew just how incredibly talented my dear friend down the street was until she got…


Men Aging Well: It’s Not Just Us

It’s not just us; I concluded as we walked our usual route in our busy Bethesda neighborhood. My dearest friend…


Mainstream Menopause, Confidence, and Sexual Well-Being: Kate Roberts and The Body Agency

Our bodies over 50: Are you with Me? My fifteen-year-old daughter and my almost 53-year-old self are in the same…


Big Friendship: How to Have It

I love my friends. Like most people, I’ve collected them both haphazardly and so very carefully. I find them at…


Marriage in the Time of Quarantine

Does almost thirty years of marriage make being together 24/7 a walk in the park? Sometimes, just getting to the…

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