
Essential Oils: Magic for a Mid-Life Body

essential oils good for skin

It’s empowering to take control of what I can with my body and how I feel.  I exercise (a lot), eat well (most of the time) and get enough sleep (depending on Netflix status). I work, read, needlepoint (bet you didn’t know that), walk with friends and love to cook. But there are just some things I cannot control. My body is changing. I’m getting older and that train keeps moving forward. Most days, I feel great. But there are some times I just don’t. Two things about me and my friends know well, I don’t like to be uncomfortable, and I like to know all of my options about everything! I’m a researcher.

So, for some of the symptoms surfacing in my newly minted, mid-life body, I found some easy, portable solutions that are not only natural, but ones that I could tailor to fit my specific needs. Essential Oils are a quick, natural way to find relief for symptoms like fatigue, low energy, hot flashes, even anxiety.

I interviewed Terra Bechara, a certified consultant in Essential Oil Therapy with doTerra, to find out what I needed and how to use them.

 How did you become interested in essential oils? How have they helped you?

It started with headaches. I’d go to my Pilates session and invariably get a headache. My instructor asked if I would be open to trying essential oils. I was in so much pain that  I was open to anything. She gave me a few drops of peppermint and told me to place the oil on my temples and the rest behind my neck down my spine. Within 5 minutes, I felt immediate relief, almost refreshed in a way, and was so happy by how quickly it worked.

What are essential oils, and what is the benefit they can have on my health and well-being compared to traditional medicine and supplements?

 The term Essential Oils describes highly concentrated, steam-distilled, or cold-pressed extracts of almost any part of a plant, such as seeds, flowers, fruit, leaves, stems, and roots, that improve physical and psychological well-being.

They have been used for centuries. They are not widely studied or regulated by the FDA, so their effects have yet to be supported by scientific research. However, millions of people turn to aromatherapy every day, swearing by its ability to treat common health issues like anxiety, congestion, insomnia, joint pain, and of course, menopause symptoms. Essential oils have a three-pronged effect on the body: psychological – affecting emotion, pharmacological-affecting body chemistry, and physiological-affecting bodily function and process.

The most common ways to use Essential Oils are breathing them in (inhalation) and applying them to the skin (topical). Swallowing them is an option, but ingestion should only occur under direct supervision of a doctor.

Menopause can wreak havoc on my life sometimes. I get hot flashes when I’m stressed, wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble getting back to sleep, and sometimes I get headaches more often than usual. How can essential oils help me? And which ones?

 Maria, my friend and client, was 52 Years old, menopausal, and she was experiencing weight gain, hot flashes, and daily irritability. These symptoms came and went for months, and she wanted help with managing them. She wasn’t ready for hormone therapy and wanted something she could manage as the symptoms occurred.

Here’s a short list of a few Essential Oils to help calm some of the uncomfortable menopausal symptoms and how they can help.

  • Basil: increases estrogen levels which improves mood and helps with hot flashes
  • Clary Sage: reduces the feeling of hot flashes and has a cooling effect
  • Geranium: my personal favorite, has been found to help with hormonal changes during menopause; a few drops can be inhaled thru the nose from a dampened tissue, tapped on the back of the neck or put in the bath providing some relief for stress and anxiety and that heavy feeling
  • Peppermint and Lavender: both have a cooling and calming effect; lace a few drops at temples, back of feet or use a roller ball for the back of the neck.
  • Sweet Orange, Lemon, Pine and Eucalyptus: help increase energy and have anti-inflammatory properties

Sometimes, I see the term “essential oil blends” — What does this mean and does it make the oil more effective? Can I make my own personal blend tailored to my symptoms?

Essential Oil Blends are a blend of two or more single essential oils that may or may not be combined with a carrier oil such as Fractionated Coconut Oil. Single Essential Oils and Blends are both very effective. Purchasing individual essential oils can get expensive. One of my favorite Blends by DoTerra, called Serenitycombines Lavender, Cedarwood, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Vetiver, Hawaiian Sandalwood, Vanilla Bean and a few others all in one bottle! They have calming, relaxing and soothing properties. When combined they have added punch – I add about 10 drops in my diffuser on my nightstand before bed and I’m destined to have a peaceful sleep!

Yes, you can make your own personal blend. Try a number of different oils and see which ones work best for you. You can make your own personal blend recipe based on your feel — whether you need more calm, more energy, or balance your hormones. I would recommend purchasing empty glass roller bottles (10ml). The recommended essential oil dosage is filling the bottle up one-third to one-half full of essential oils and topping it off with fractionated coconut oil.  Roller bottles are so easy to use and roll on your skin, wrists, neck, temples, tummy, behind ears, etc. Also, always use glass or stainless steel with essential oils and never use plastic as the essential oil can eat away at plastics and you don’t want to absorb any of that into your body.

essential oils for skin care

Should I dilute my oils before using? And should I spray or dab?

 I do recommend that you dilute essential oils, especially when using them for the first time. Essential Oils are very potent; often 50-70 times more powerful than herbs, so one drop goes a very long way. Look at it this way, 1 drop of Peppermint Essential Oil is the equivalent to drinking 28 cups of peppermint tea! 1-2 drops on your wrist, behind your neck, on your tummy—is all you need. What I do, is place a tablespoon of Fractionated Coconut Oil in the palm of my hand, add 1 drop of the Essential Oil I want to use and dab the on any area that bothers me. Fractionated coconut oil (or any carrier oil) is great because it traps the volatile compounds minimizing evaporation and enhances penetration through the skin. Diluting the oils helps people with sensitive skin.

How do I store my oils and for how long?

Essential Oils last a very long time, in fact, from 5-10 years.  To keep them potent, they must always remain at room temperature. So, don’t leave oils in your tote in the car or on a window sill in your bathroom that gets direct sunlight.  Always secure the caps after each use to prevent the oil from evaporating and decreases exposure to oxygen.

You have certainly helped me discover an alternative solution to solving my menopause discomfort, do you have any other superpowers?

 I’m a mom to five boys and to get anything done, I’ve really got to be organized and aware. I’m great at getting a sense of where my boys are at—their moods, their energy levels, their health.  I have this sixth sense with people outside of my home, too. You should see me at a cocktail party. My clients come to me for guidance about their well-being and I’m great at listening to their symptoms, sensing what they need and putting a solution in their hands. I’m a well-being expert.

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