
Bedroom Retreat: Creating a Tranquil Master Bedroom

calming bedroom

With five or six people in one house, living, working, eating, and sleeping — together, almost non-stop, I needed an escape. The only place this cohort doesn’t overrun is my bedroom. Because it’s the room with the least traffic, I decided to make it my oasis of calm and retreat.

My decorating mantra (which can be used for any space), keep it simple and pretty. I made color the decorative theme. I used the same tranquil color throughout the room–on the walls, ceiling, and fabric.  Cloud blue created a light and airy vibe. While I love layering patterns, I kept variety and color as minimalist as possible.  Choosing only one fabric pattern, a cloud blue Ikat from Brunschwig & Fils (now discontinued), added some interest on every upholstered item while keeping with the serene color theme.

Furniture essentials for the room were simple – bed, headboard, night tables or small dressers, a chair or two for sitting or reading, and a side table to place my books and magazines, plus some lamps with adjustable lighting. The carpet is a low pile, feels soft under my feet, and dampens the noise.

With all of the elements together– same color family, one fabric pattern, essential furniture elements, soft lighting, and a rug, my bedroom is the one place in my busy, loud household for reading, resting, sleep, and just plain quiet. I close the door, and for a few moments, I’ve quietly drifted off.  Only to wake up to clanging pots in the kitchen.

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